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HOMEBoard Notices
Notices 게시글의 상세 화면
Office Working Hour Schedule during Summer Break, 2021
Writer 진보라 Date 2021-07-05 Hit 28348

Office Working Hour Schedule during Summer Vacation


We inform you a working hour schedule during winter break.

Due to the pandemic, We suggest that students send an email for question 

or use chat bot.


1. Period : July 5th(Mon) ~ August 6th(Fri), 2021


2. Office hour : 9 AM ~ 16 PM (Lunch 12 PM - 13 PM)


3. Office : Office of Graduate School (Yulgok Hall room 305)


4. Contact :



Office of Graduate School

Notices 게시판의 이전글 다음글
Preview COVID-19 Social Distancing Level 4 in Seoul metropolitan Area (until July 26th)
Next Application for Leave of Absence and Returning to School, Fall 2021
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